24 Hour Hotline:(805)564-3696

Estadísticas – Standing Together to End Sexual Assault | Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center

24 Hours Hotline:(805)564-3696



  • In 2015, only 32% of sexual assaults were reported to the police.
  • From 2006 to 2015, 28% of rape and sexual assault victimizations were classified as completed rape. Attempted rape or other sexual assault accounted for nearly 50%, and 17% were verbal threats of rape.


  • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
  • 34% of people who sexually abuse a child are family members.
  • 3% of women and 27.8% of men were age 10 or younger at the time of their first rape/victimization. 30% of women were between the ages of 11 and 17
  • More than one-third of women who report being raped before age 18 also experience rape as an adult.

Members of the LGBTQIA Community

  • 46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians
  • 40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men
  • Reported prevalence of sexual assault as a hate crime ranged from 1% to 12% for women who identified as lesbian or bisexual, and from 3% to 20% for men who identified as gay or bisexual.

Individuals with Disabilities

  • An estimated 14% of the unincarcerated U.S. population age 12 or older had a disability.
  • 34,750 Americans with disabilities were sexually assaulted in 2010.

College Students

  • Incidence of sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000) in the 18-24 age group.
  • Rape and sexual assault victimizations of students (80%) were more likely than nonstudent victimizations (67%) to go unreported to police.
  • Fewer than 1 in 5 female student (16%) survivors of sexual assault received assistance from a victim services agency.

Incarcerated Individuals

  • In 2011-12, an estimated 4.0% of state and federal prison inmates and 3.2% of jail inmates reported experiencing one or more incidents of sexual victimization by another inmate or facility staff in the past 12 months
  • 2.0% of prison inmates (or an estimated 29,300 prisoners) reported an incident involving another inmate, 2.4% (34,100) reported an incident involving facility staff, and 0.4% (5,500) reported both an incident by another inmate and staff.
  • 6.3% of prison inmates with mental illness reported being sexually assaulted by another inmate. In comparison, among prisoners with no indication of mental illness, 0.7% reported being victimized by another inmate